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Source: Justiitsministeerium

Directors of Better Regulation meeting in Estonia

26.06.2017. On 27 June, Directors of Better Regulation of the Member States and EU institutions will meet in Tallinn to discuss the policy, success stories and shortcomings in this area. The meeting paves the way for better regulation activities during the Estonian Presidency of the Council of the EU.

26.06.2017. On 27 June, Directors of Better Regulation of the Member States and EU institutions will meet in Tallinn to discuss the policy, success stories and shortcomings in this area. The meeting paves the way for better regulation activities during the Estonian Presidency of the Council of the EU.

“In Estonia, we take the line that regulation must be produced only if legal intervention is inevitable and no other measures can be applied,” says the Minister of Justice Urmas Reinsalu. “We must strive for the same principle in our actions on the EU level and, while holding the Presidency, step up our efforts even more to ensure that the principles of better regulation are given full consideration in all the working parties of the Council.”The meeting between the Directors of Better Regulation, which has become an enduring tradition, has been held for over 15 years, with the host being the Council Presidency. Estonia, who starts its Presidency on 1 July, has the honour to welcome the directors this year. The prime focus of the meeting will be on impact assessment, inclusion and improving the quality of life of companies and citizens through digital solutions. Equally important topic will be the implementation of better regulation in changed conditions, e.g. in the light of the regulation of sharing economy.Better regulation is an underlying term describing the quality of regulation. According to the principal of better regulation, creating good law requires a substantial discussion where all stakeholders can speak their mind as well as evidence-based decisions and analyses of impact assessments. Likewise, it is important to reduce the red tape and adopt facilitating solutions, including e-solutions. On the EU level, better regulation is closely related to entrepreneurship and higher competitiveness. The topics are discussed at the meeting from this very perspective.The meeting held on 27 June will gather the Directors of Better Regulation of all Member States and EU institutions whose task is to develop the main regulation policy orientations, as well as experts from OECD establishing the international standards for better regulation. Approximately 90 participants are expected to attend the meeting in Tallinn.

Better Regulation principles better_regulation_principles.pdf Justiitsminist… E, 26/06/2017 - 15:48