International Cooperation
Through forensic activities, development, training and counselling activities, EFSI cooperates closely with internal processing authorities, universities and other partner institutions. As a result of cross-border cooperation, EFSI also adheres to Schengen and Prüm treaties. EFSI and/ or employees of EFSI is/are member(s) of numerous international professional organisations.
The European Network of Forensic Science Institutes (ENFSI) consists of 68 forensic examination laboratories in 36 European countries. The objective of ENFSI is to promote the forensic science cooperation between forensic science institutions of European countries: share knowledge and experience and make mutual agreements. ENFSI is formed of 17 expert working groups based on types of expertise and two steering committees, which are active in harmonising the development and transnational cooperation in their respective fields. Üllar Lanno, Director of EFSI, was the Member of the Management Board of ENFSI in 2011–2015 and its chairman in 2013–2015. The EFSI experts participate in the work of 16 working groups, three experts have been elected in the management boards of working groups, and two employees are the members of the steering committees.
The European Council of Legal Medicine (ECLM) is an official professional organization in Europe since 1993, whose task is to deal with the development of forensic medical science, including developing and updating the guidelines regulating the work of forensic doctors, harmonizing the pre-diploma and post-diploma (residency) education of forensic medicine, and registering the specialty in the EU in the list of medical specialties.
In 2011, an Estonian forensic medical doctor prof. Marika Väli was elected as the member of the steering committee of ECLM, whose mandate ended in 2024. An Estonian forensic medical doctor – the head of the Northern Estonian Forensic Medical Department of EFSI Sünne Remmer - was elected as one of the members of the new steering committee.
Since in many countries the profession also includes legal and ethical topics, it was decided at the ECLM general assembly meeting (May 2024) to change the name of the organization as follows: European Council of Legal and Forensic Medicine (ECLFM).
Across the world, forensic medical doctors are connected by the International Academy of Legal Medicine (IALM). The aim of establishing the organisation was to develop cooperation with associations of forensic medical doctors from different countries across the world. IALM has published professional journals and guidelines; in 2014, they published the first bulletin of the organisation, where EFSI had the opportunity to introduce the Estonian forensic medical examination system.
The International Association of Forensic Toxicologists (TIAFT) unites more than 2,000 toxicologists around the world. At TIAFT, EFSI is represented by the Head of the Toxicology Department, who participates at annual conferences.
The International Society for Forensic Genetics (ISFG) is a global umbrella organisation for forensic genetics, which promotes the research and development activity in the field of DNA examination by organising regular meetings of professional experts and issuing the journal Forensic Science International: Genetics.
The Baltic Medico-Legal Association (BMLA) was established after the Baltic States regained their independence. Forensic medical doctors from St. Petersburg were also involved in the association. In addition to exchanging experience, international conferences are organised as well.
Baltic forensic science institutions are united by the Network of Baltic States Forensic Institutions (NBFSI). Forensic institutions have signed a memorandum regulating their cooperation, agreeing to share information on their achievements, research methods and implemented innovations. The memorandum regulates mutual aid in conducting research, organising general training courses and seminars, and resolving issues related to ensuring quality and competence.